by Kylie Sully | Feb 21, 2023 | Arinex Blog
Arinex recently teamed up with industry players to host two events on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event (AIME) in Melbourne. On February 14, following the opening day of AIME, Arinex organised a gathering in collaboration with event...
by Kylie Sully | Jun 22, 2022 | Arinex News
Arinex’ long-standing partnership with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) NSW Chapter to deliver their annual awards was the subject of an article in the 100th edition of The PCO, published May 2022. Read the full...
by Emma Innes | Sep 19, 2019 | Arinex News
Arinex and software developer Entegy have partnered to deliver new innovations in event app technology. This new partnership is forging a level of integration never before available, across multiple event technologies. The Entegy suite offers new features for clients...