by Emma Innes | Jul 6, 2020 | Arinex News
Trevor Connell from Australasian Special Events interviews Arinex founder and leader, Roslyn McLeod (AOM). In episode 2 Roslyn discusses the effect of the GFC, 9/11, SARS and now COVID-19. During her time at the helm of Tour Hosts and Arinex, Roslyn has certainly...
by Emma Innes | Jun 29, 2020 | Arinex News
Trevor Connell from Australasian Special Events interviews Arinex founder and leader, Roslyn McLeod. Roslyn Mcleod OAM started her first business providing tour guides for the 1971 Rotary International Convention in Sydney. That business developed through supplying...
by Emma Innes | Jun 4, 2020 | Arinex News
An interview with Professor Claude Roux, Director, Centre for Forensic Science, Sydney shares the benefits of appointing the right PCO and reappointment of Arinex provided innovation, creativity and security during COVID-19. What should organisers look for when...
by Emma Innes | Jun 1, 2020 | Arinex News
Arinex was honoured to receive three national awards at the Meeting & Events Australia (MEA) National Awards in an events first via virtual format – Professional Conference Organisation (PCO) of the Year; Association Event of the Year (Kellee Butterworth);...
by Emma Innes | May 22, 2020 | Arinex News
Domestic business events and ticketed conferences of up to 100 people have been authorised to resume in New Zealand as of 15 May 2020. Events must adhere to one-metre distancing requirements and use contact tracing. This is a pleasing step forward for the business...