by Emma Innes | Jul 19, 2021 | Arinex Blog
Every country in the world is planning for the future. Australia is planning for the future. The COVID pandemic is running its course whilst the science and medical profession are finding the solutions to address the pandemic and stabilise the world. The newly...
by Emma Innes | Jul 12, 2021 | Arinex Blog, Arinex News, Arinex Partners
The past year has transformed the way the international association meetings industry does business. As a result, ICCA has also reinvented the 2020 ICCA Statistics Report on the association meetings market. We are excited to bring you this latest iteration of the...
by Emma Innes | Jun 1, 2021 | Arinex Blog
Event organisers are a responsive, take-it-in-your-stride type. Throughout the last 14 months we have found ways to continue meeting despite uncertainty and the imposition of last-minute restrictions. Now with industries picking up pace once more and events returning...
by Emma Innes | May 19, 2020 | COVID-19 News
Virtual live streaming of events has become commonplace due to the global COVID-19 crisis. However virtual and hybrid events have many benefits both now and in the long term. This extensive list explores some substantial advantages of going virtual. Discuss the varied...
by Emma Innes | Apr 16, 2020 | COVID-19 News
Questions we didn’t get time to address during Arinex’ COVID-19 uncovered webinar have been answered by our team of panelists. Question: How can we forecast participation in an online conference based on membership numbers or physical conference delegate...