In our 50th year in business, Arinex has taken the opportunity to reflect on our past and chart a course for the future. Central to this is a commitment to acknowledge and respect the rich cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Bree Buttenshaw
In our pursuit of creating a more inclusive and culturally respectful organisation, we have embarked on the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). As part of this process, we are delighted to collaborate with Bree Buttenshaw, a proud Kalkadoon artist, who was commissioned to create the artwork for our RAP.
Residing on Quandamooka Country, Bree has always found solace and self-expression through art. Creativity has been a therapeutic outlet to explore her culture and herself. Working under the artist name Little Butten, her pieces explore themes of mental health, feminism, cultural identity and being a young person in today’s society.
By engaging Bree and showcasing her artwork, we hope to support the elevation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
Meaning behind the art
The RAP artwork holds a profound message aligned with Arinex’ values. A central circle represents gathering, symbolising the essence of Arinex – connecting people to share knowledge. Surrounding the circle, symbols depict the seven Arinex values: Innovative, Nurturing, Sustainable, Progressive, Inclusive, Refreshing and Experienced. These represent trails of knowledge that lead into the event, instilling the gathering with the values. The background takes the form of a spiral, showing how the knowledge gained from the event will be carried into the wider community.
The artwork serves as a visual reminder of Arinex’ commitment to inclusivity and cultural respect. Through our RAP, we aim to educate employees, clients and stakeholders about the importance of reconciliation, and pave the way for a more diverse future within our organisation and the business events industry.
We look forward to sharing our RAP with you in the coming weeks.

The artwork Bree Buttenshaw designed for Arinex’ Reconciliation Action Plan.